Bereans Bible Study with Dick Wright

  • Led by Dick Wright meets at 9:30 in the Parlor.

    The Berean Sunday School Class will begin a new study starting October 22. Each week we will read and discuss a single passage or a single episode from a book of the Bible starting with Genesis on week 1, concluding with Revelation on week 66.

    We will seek to discover how God worked through the history of a people (Israel) and the life of a person (Jesus) to bring us the good news of His love and grace even as His people experienced the struggles, conflicts, sorrows and (sometimes) joys of life in an often chaotic and violent world.

  • Led by Dave Washburn meets at 9:30 in the Social Room located on the lower level. This adult class decides as a group what they will study together.

    Currently, the class is studying the eighth chapter of Romans. This is an eight-week study narrated by Laurie Short. It is titled "Romans 8 - The Greatest Chapter in the Bible".

  • Led by Cathy Jenkins meets at 11:00 in the Parlor. This group studies various topics and most recently used a book by Francis Chan titled, “The Forgotten God” as their study topic. Everyone is welcome to join this group as they grow together in their walk with Jesus.

  • Led by Brett Baker meets at 11:00 in Room 6 which is across from the church office. This group is comprised of young adults and welcomes everyone to come join their study. Their current discussion is focused on different religions and how we know that Christianity is right one.